Is breast reduction surgery right for you?

Having disproportionate and heavy breasts can worry any woman. Not only does it affect your health but also mars your self-esteem and confidence in your appearance. Enlarged breasts can trigger neck and back pain, interfere with daily activities, or draw too much attention from others. And those who have such a condition know the painful grooves of the bra strap that occurs in your shoulders. What will you do in such a situation? Breast reduction surgery is the right answer for you.  If you are wondering whether this surgery is right for you, then read on.

If you are considering breast reduction surgery, chances are that you might be wondering if it is the right step. Though it is one of the most popular cosmetic surgery procedures, figuring out if it is the right option for you is not easy. There are several issues that come along with overly large breasts.

Will breast reduction surgery make daily life easy?

Have you ever encountered a situation that became complicated by your breasts’ size? Perhaps, it starts with the morning when you get dressed up. You prefer wearing clothes that express your personality and style in the best possible way. However, women who have large breasts find themselves with limited clothing options.

Standard-sized clothes, usually, do not fit you. There is another struggle of finding a bra that fits you perfectly. Fashion-wise, if you think of downplaying breasts by covering them up, you end up with a style that reflects your neither personality nor style. And, when you

choose to wear something for fun, you have to be prepared to ignore the stares from strangers for being perceived as someone who wants to display their breasts.

Emotional Well-Being and Health Becomes a Matter of Concern.

With your physical appearance becoming a matter of concern, you also suffer emotionally. Women are self-conscious of how they look and feel. Enlarged breasts make them feel embarrassed. Large breasts draw unwanted attention, and sometimes this attention is filled with downright cruelty or awkward sexual innuendo. Large, hanging breasts can cause fungal infections and rashes in the breast fold. This can give rise to heath and hygiene concerns.

Is it Easy to Exercise or Walk

Be it jumping rope, aerobic activities, running, or dancing – doing them with overly large-sized breasts poses a great challenge. You have to think twice to do any of these activities. Breast reduction surgery might help you do things and exercise without thinking.

Yes, even taking a walk down the street like everyone else is difficult. Unwanted attention of people makes things difficult and embarrassing. You find it awkward to get judged by the size of your breasts. It ultimately affects your self-esteem and confidence.

Large Breasts are Not Attractive

Only women who have large breasts know the pain and trouble that come along with them. They can trigger aesthetic nightmares. Often way out of proportion to your body shape and size, such breasts become the cause of worry and embarrassment. As their weight pulls the breasts downwards, the supporting ligaments and skin stretch. Such breasts become unattractive and droopy long before age-related sagging should be a concern.


Once you have undergone breast reduction surgery, you will notice and feel a great change in your life. Improvement in back and neck pain, better sleep, increased self-confidence, and esteem are a few results of this cosmetic procedure. Consult a cosmetic surgeon so that you can make well-informed and right decision regarding the effectiveness of breast reduction surgery on your health and overall well-being

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Things you need to know about breast lift surgery

Things you need to know about breast lift surgery

Over the years, factors like the force of gravity, pregnancy, and nursing change the shape and size of a woman’s breast. As the skin starts losing its elasticity, the breasts lose their firmness and shape causing sagging. If you have the same concern and wish to improve the appearance of your breast, then consider undergoing breast lift surgery. It is a cosmetic surgery procedure performed for reshaping and raising sagging breasts. It can further reduce the darker skin around the nipple and areola size. If your breasts have lost volume or are small, breast implants can be inserted in combination with breast lift procedure for increasing both size and firmness.

Reading further you will explore important things about breast lift surgery in Delhi. This will help you make the right decision. 

What are the types of breast lifts?

There are two types of this procedure – with or without breast augmentation.

Breast Lift with Augmentation – In this procedure, the cosmetic surgeon not only removes excess skin and fat but also inserts implants into breasts for giving them an attractive and perkier appearance. It is done in two ways. One is a fat transfer from other areas, the other is implants. You can choose between saline implants of several generations and silicone implants that include the latest generation ones. However, there are no significant differences between these implants. Thus, it becomes a matter of your choice and the experience of your surgeon.

Breast Lift Without Placement of Implants – In this cosmetic surgery procedure, the surgeon focuses on decreasing the breast size and improving the breast shape to give them a refreshing and youthful look. Making use of techniques such as lollipop incision, anchor-shaped incision or doughnut incision, a well-trained and experienced surgeon would remove the excess breast tissue and skin moving the nipples in an upward position. In this surgery, no implant is used. 

Types of Anesthesia

Breast lift surgery is performed under general anesthesia. To put it simply – you will be sleeping throughout the surgery. In some cases, a surgeon might use local anesthesia in combination with a sedative. You will be awake during the procedure but relaxed.

The Procedure

The entire procedure lasts for two to three hours. Though techniques vary, the most common method involves an incision around the areola. The doctor creates a vertical incision marking the area from which excess breast skin and fat have to be removed and a new location where nipples will be moved. After removing the excess fat and skin, the doctor will move the areola and nipple to a higher position. The skin around the areola is pulled down for reshaping the breast. Breast tissues are also rearranged for improving breast projection. Stitches are placed around the areola, along the lower breast crease, and in a vertical line that goes down from the nipple area. If implants have to be inserted, they will be laced along with the breast lift surgery. They will be inserted in a pocket below the chest wall’s muscle or under the breast tissue.

After the Procedure

After the surgery is done, you have to wear a surgical bra or elastic bandage over gauze dressing. Your breasts will be swollen, uncomfortable, and bruised for a few days. Pain and discomfort will be managed with prescribed medications. If you experience severe pain in one breast compared to the other, inform the surgeon immediately. Make sure you follow the instructions given by the surgeon for a timely and speedy recovery. 

Remember, healing is a gradual process. Though you can be up within three to four days of the surgery, drop the idea of resuming work for a week or ten days, or as suggested by the surgeon. Do not lift any heavy objects and perform any strenuous activities. You can get back to normal work and routine as per the surgeon’s advice.

This is just an insight into the important things you should know about breast lift surgery. Your cosmetic surgeon will brief you about the detailed procedure, benefits, and risks upon consultation. 

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Considering Gynecomastia Surgery? Know its Types!

gynecomastia surgery, male breast reduction surgery, gynecomastia surgeon

Gynecomastia is the umbrella term used for describing the condition in which men have ‘man boobs’ or enlarged breasts. If you have this condition then you are not alone. There are several ways of classifying this condition that affects men. Here are a few different ways in which Gynecomastia can be classified:

Puffy Nipples
In some cases, adolescent gynecomastia does not subside at its own and even the healthiest and fittest men often cannot get rid of the additional bit of puffiness that they develop at the time of puberty. This particular condition is known as puffy nipples. In such conditions, surgical options are available for achieving a more defined pectoral muscle line. Timely treatment is the key to achieve a toned body.

Adolescent Gynecomastia
One of the main causes of gynecomastia is hormonal changes at Puberty. Hormonal level increases during puberty. If there is an increase in testosterone, there can be an increase in the female hormone – estrogen- that can cause the development of glandular tissue just below the areola. In this type of gynecomastia, the enlarged area will be more than 5 cm in diameter or less than 1 cm in diameter. Usually, Adolescent gynecomastia would disappear at its own and those experiencing this type of gynecomastia should not be worried.

Adult Gynecomastia
When it comes to classifying gynecomastia in adults, there are five primary groups:

Hormonal Imbalance – It is one of the primary causes of this condition in men. It can be triggered by conditions like Klinefelter Syndrome. If gynecomastia is triggered because of hormonal imbalance then proper treatment can help in reducing the symptoms.

Medication side effects – Intake of some medicines can increase the presence of estrogen in men. These medications are usually prescribed for treating prostate cancer and other ailments. Heroin and Marijuana along with some prescription drugs like cimetidine (for treating peptic ulcers), spironolactone (a diuretic), methyldopa (for treating blood pressure), antidepressants and diazepam (Valium) can also trigger the condition of Gynecomastia.

Steroid Abuse – Yet another common cause of this type of Gynecomastia. Bodybuilders and athletes often use anabolic-androgenic steroids. Gynecomastia in lean men comprise of glandular tissue and has no fatty tissue. This category of gynecomastia is hard to see under solid chest muscles however can become noticeable and prominent when the athletes and bodybuilders lessen their exercise routine. It can be treated with surgical options.

Obesity – Obese men often develop enlarged male breasts because of adipose fatty tissue concentrated in the chest region. This is called ‘false gynecomastia’ and Pseudo Gynecomastia. Weight reduction by doing some specific exercises and following a diet might help in improving the appearance of the chest. If significant weight is lost in obese patients, the possibility is that the skin might become deflated and saggy in this region giving the appearance of sagging boobs. In such cases, surgical options can help in correcting chest appearance.

Symptoms of Liver Failure, Renal Failure – Cirrhosis of the liver decreases the ability to produce protein and process hormones, medications, poisons, and nutrients. This can increase estrogen in men leading the development of male breasts.

If you are looking for surgical treatment to get rid of Gynecomastia then familiarise yourself with its different types to make the right and well-informed decision.

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