New Delhi & Gurgaon(Golf Course Road and Golf Course Extension Road)
Medically known as Belt Lipectomy, a lower body lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that can help you achieve the best results. It is one of the emerging procedures. significant weight loss, the natural aging process, and weight fluctuation can cause skin sagging in the parts below the waistline. The main purpose of this procedure is to tighten and sculpt the abdomen, inner thighs, the hips, outer thighs, buttocks and back of the thighs. Loose skin that triggers mobility restrictions or is aesthetically displeasing is corrected during the surgery. It is just the perfect solution for you if you are willing to maintain the ideal body weight and live healthily. Thousands of people, across the globe, undergo this surgery to get into shape.
It is during the initial consultation that the doctor would explain the entire procedure to you. make sure you discuss all your concerns and queries. Having a positive attitude, realistic expectations and willingness to maintain results would help you achieve the best results. Lower Body Lift surgery Gurugram is performed under general anesthesia. The entire duration of the surgery can last between four and five hours.
Incision - During this procedure, the surgeon makes an incision right above the pubic hair area further extending it to the sides of the hip. It extends as a gentle curve towards the top of the buttock crease meeting the incision from the other side. The choice of incision made depends on the goal of a patient and the doctor’s preference. Such an incision helps in easy removal of the entire strip of excess skin in one go. The surgeon along with the staff tries to make the incision as hidden as possible under swimsuits and clothing.
Procedure – Usually, the surgery is done in three stages. In the first step, excess skin and fat deposits are removed from the back, thighs, hips, and buttocks. Based on the patient’s anatomy, goals, and physical condition, the surgeon might use liposuction to further enhance the overall results of this surgery. Once this is done, you will be turned over, and skin in the front part of your body is removed. In the third step, the remaining skin in your thighs and buttocks will be pulled upwards and underlying tissues tightened and sutured. In most cases, the doctor recommends combining the lower body lift with abdominoplasty for better results. However, the decision to opt for a tummy tuck is entirely yours.
Sutures – Incisions, usually, are closed in multiple layers. This procedure would need deep support sutures within underlying tissue for the creation of new contours. In most cases, dissolvable sutures are used.
If you want to achieve the best possible contours, liposuction in addition to a lower body lift is the option to consider. Liposuction contours and smooth parts that are separate from the effects of the body lift excision. Your surgeon would discuss the entire surgical plan to recommend the best.
You can combine lower body lift with a tummy tuck, medically known as abdominoplasty. Or, you can also combine the lower body lift with an inner thigh lift in case your tummy does not need contouring or if you have already had a tummy tuck.
Because the lower body is suspended and lifted to the skin closure, excessive heaviness in the buttocks and thighs at the time of procedure might prevent a lasting effect. In such a scenario, your plastic surgeon might recommend further weight loss prior to undergoing a lower body lift surgery in Gurgaram, Delhi. if this is not a feasible option, you might undergo liposuction to thin the buttocks and thighs prior to undergoing excisional body lifting.
When it comes to the scar of the lower body lift, it extends around the circumference of your torso in such a way that it remains hidden in your bikini or underwear. Your surgeon can place incisions slightly lower or higher based on your choice.
You will remain under observation for post-surgery complications and monitor lung and heart functions. You have to spend the next three to five days in the hospital. You have to wear a compression garment right after the surgery to reduce bleeding and swelling. Initial days will be uncomfortable and painful. Tubes and drains will be placed for a few days to drain fat, blood, and fluid. You will be asked to walk despite the discomfort and pain. You can resume normal activities three to four weeks of the surgery. avoid strenuous and rigorous activities for at least six to eight weeks.
The results of a lower body lift are pleasing and lasting provided you stick to a healthy lifestyle and eating habits. You will have better body contours.