New Delhi & Gurgaon(Golf Course Road and Golf Course Extension Road)

Mole removal laser treatment Surgery in Gurgaon, Delhi

A mole is one of the most common types of the skin lesion. Medically known as naevus, it grows and appears on the skin and is made up of pigmentproducing cells known as melanocytes. It is the heavy pigmentation in the cells which make moles black or dark brown in color. Most moles are benign and occur due to the growth of melanocytes into clusters or clumps instead of spreading out along the skin. Almost all moles appear before the age of thirty while many show up during childhood. Having moles is completely normal. With time they might gradually change in color, shape and size or even start growing hair. While some fade over time, other becomes more prominent.

Moles can be either protruding or flat. There are different types of moles such as acquired moles that appear later in life and congenital moles that are present since birth. If the mole changes character, starts bleeding , develops asymmetry, becomes painful or increases in size, seeking medical intervention becomes important.

When it comes to mole removal, there are different surgical methods.

  • Excision is made in natural skin crease line followed by stitches. This makes the stitches practically invisible after a few weeks of the procedure. Even the treatment of bigger moles by this method can provide an excellent result.
  • Round excision with a blade or punch. This technique is used for treating very tiny moles that less than 1mm size.
  • The larger mole might require expansion of tissues for complete removal.
  • Laser removal is yet another effective method for Mole Removal in Delhi. The laser penetrates deep into the skin removing mole.

At Viva Esthetique, we make sure that a person gets the most effective treatment for mole removal. You will get the improved appearance and thus boost in self-confidence. As far as Mole Removal Cost is considered, it depends on several factors. However, you can be assured to get the most effective treatment at an affordable rate. So, if you have a mole which sets you worrying then without having to think twice, schedule an appointment and gear up to get a new look.